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Save Money on Social Media: Target Your Marketing and Avoid Wasted Impressions

Profilbillede - Christoffer Ohlsen

Christopher Ohlsen

Web Design & Online Marketing

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I see it all the time. Paid ads that pop up on Facebook and Instagram that are completely outside the target audience. It is clear that many businesses are wasting money on social media marketing without getting anything in return. But what goes wrong? Here are some of the most common pitfalls that lead to wasted marketing budgets on social media platforms:

  • Focusing on Followers: It's important to build brand awareness and gain new customers through social media, but a common mistake is to focus too much on the number of followers. It's the quality and engagement of followers that really counts, not just the sheer number1
  • Time management: Managing social media can be very time consuming, especially if you are doing it yourself. It takes time to create daily content including carefully crafted captions, hashtags and local images to stay relevant and engaging to your target audience​2
  • Failure to Track and Measure Performance: Not tracking and measuring the performance of your social media campaigns is a rookie mistake. Without proper analysis and understanding of what works and what doesn't, you can end up wasting money on ineffective strategies​3
  • Retargeting Everyone and Anyone: Sending out ads to a broad, undefined target group can result in big waste. It is important to define and target your core audience carefully to ensure that your marketing dollars are spent effectively.4

Achieve the best ROI with

Split test your ads

also known as A/B testing, is a vital part of data-driven advertising that can help optimize return on investment (ROI) compared to simple segmentation of the target audience.

How To Maximize ROI With Split Testing Ads 🚀

In the digital world, it is essential to ensure that every penny spent on marketing provides the best possible return. One of the most effective methods of achieving this is through split testing of ads. But what is split testing and how can it help you maximize your ROI? Let's dive into it.

What is Split Testing? 🤷🏼‍♂️

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method where you compare two versions of an ad to find out which one performs better. This is done by showing the two versions to different segments of your target audience and then analyzing which version achieves the best results.

Why Is Split Testing Important? ❗️

  1. Improved Efficiency: By identifying which ads perform best, you can allocate more of your budget to the most effective campaigns.
  2. Better Understanding of Your Target Group: Split testing provides insight into what your target audience responds to best, which can inform future marketing strategies.
  3. Higher Conversion Rate: By optimizing your ads through split testing, you can increase your conversion rate and thus your ROI.

How to perform a split test: 😎

  1. Select a Variable to Test: This can be anything from the ad image, headline, text or even the call-to-action button.
  2. Divide your target group: Make sure each group is representative of your overall target audience.
  3. Run the Test: Let both ads run for a certain period of time.
  4. Analyze the results: Use tools like Google Analytics to see which ad performed best.
  5. Implement the Best Elements: Take what you learned from the test and use it in future ads.


In the digital marketing world, split testing (A/B testing) is an indispensable method to ensure that the marketing budget is used optimally. By comparing two versions of an ad, companies can identify which version resonates best with their target audience. This leads not only to improved ad effectiveness and a deeper understanding of the target audience, but also to a higher conversion rate. By constantly evaluating and adjusting based on split test results, companies can ensure a maximized ROI for their marketing efforts.